Monday, September 28, 2009

Revised Column... Vegas

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Is it to surprise that what happens in Vegas doesn’t necessarily stay in Vegas? The saying is catchy, but it never quite works the way it’s stated.

Sin city, or city of lights? Call it what you like, but Vegas is a place where anything goes and the rules are meant to be broken.

Earlier this month three of my friends and I decided to go to Vegas on a whim for Labor Day weekend. Since the trip was planned unexpectedly, it was too expensive to book a flight, so we decided to drive. It takes eight to nine hours to drive to Vegas, so we were in for a long trip in which we hoped to stay out of trouble.

As soon as we crossed the Sacramento county line and barely made it into Elk Grove, a California Highway Patrol Officer decides to pull us over. Wow! We hadn’t even made out of California and barely out of Sacramento without getting into trouble. My friend Jessica was driving and unfortunately she was speeding. Not to mention that it was also her birthday weekend. It was nerve wrecking getting pulled over because we had loaded up the trunk with alcohol. Can you really blame us? Come on! We were on our way to Vegas. Of course we were not drinking and driving, but you just never know if we could have gotten into trouble for having that much alcohol in our possession. The cop was a fairly nice man only up to the part when Jessica told him that she didn’t have her registration.

The cop pulled us all out of the car because he thought it was stolen. How funny is that?! No registration, bottles of alcohol and only a dream to have fun that weekend. The cop never gave Jessica a chance to explain that she just recently bought the car and was unaware that when you receive the tags in the mail, the registration is in the same envelope. She put the new tags on the car, but threw away the registration. Luckily enough, he just gave her a speeding ticket, never checked the trunk full of alcohol, and let us go.

Eight hours later we arrive in Vegas and couldn’t be anymore relieved. We had managed to have a safe trip.

Our night in Vegas started off with drinks and dancing. We were having a great time until we have a bad run-in with some girls. That’s right, we got into a fight and instantly got spoken to by the Las Vegas police. We managed to talk our way out of being in trouble, but fighting is not something we would have wanted to get into in the first place. Fortunately for us, nothing major happened.

Whoever said third time is a charm is an a**-hole. How in the world could we possibly get in trouble with the police again? Sometimes being in Vegas doesn’t make you quite the most intellectual-college-educated-person you may be, so your attention span may not be at its highest. My friend Mary somehow swapped her license and credit card with someone else at the bar. Later on that evening, she obviously wasn’t paying attention and tried to use the I.D. and the credit card elsewhere. What a coincidence it was to think that the credit card was the exact same one she had just with a different name. A near-by cop was called. He thought we had stolen the credit card and the I.D.

Even throughout all the different mishaps, I might say we still had a great time. What happened in Vegas didn’t necessarily stay there because we came back with hangovers, a ticket, and almost a police record.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sin City... Where Trouble Begins

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Is it to surprise that what happens in Vegas doesn’t necessarily stay in Vegas? The saying is catchy, but it never quite works the way it’s stated.

Sin city, or city of lights? Call it what you like, but Vegas is a place where anything goes and the rules are meant to be broken.

Earlier this month my friends and I decided to go to Vegas on a whim for Labor Day weekend. Since the trip was planned unexpectedly, it was too expensive to book a flight, so we decided to drive. It takes eight to nine hours to drive to Vegas, so we were in for a long trip in which we hoped to stay out of trouble.

As soon as we crossed the Sacramento county line and barely made it into Elk Grove, a cop decides to pull us over. Wow! We hadn’t even made out of California and barely out of Sacramento without getting into trouble. My friend was driving and unfortunately she was speeding. Not to mention that it was also her birthday weekend. It was nerve wrecking getting pulled over because we had loaded up the trunk with alcohol. Can you really blame us? Come on! We were on our way to Vegas. Of course we were not drinking and driving, but you just never know if we could have gotten into trouble for having that much alcohol in our possession. The cop was a fairly nice man only up to the part when my friend told the him that she didn’t have her registration with her.

The cop pulled us all out of the car because he thought it was stolen. How funny is that?! No registration, bottles of alcohol and only a dream to have fun that weekend. The cop never gave her a chance to explain that she just recently bought the car and was unaware that the paper that comes along with the new tags is actually the registration; in which she had thrown away. Luckily enough, he just gave her a speeding ticket and let us go.

Eight hours later we arrive in Vegas and couldn’t be anymore relieved. We had managed to have a safe trip.

Safe couldn’t last forever. The reason to go to Vegas is to let loose and have fun right? Well, I guess maybe sometimes you can be having way to much fun and end up in the police station for having a brawl at a club. Of course it wasn’t our fault! Things happen right? It was literally only the first night there, and we had already gotten into trouble with the police twice. Once again, we got lucky and were let go.

So we go on with our trip and get no sleep. Still halfway drunk from the night’s entertainment. We start gambling and have more and more drinks coming our way which honestly does not make you aware that you are losing money. For some odd reason, we don’t care and keep going at it because were having the greatest time ever.

Whoever said third time is a charm is an a**-hole. How in the world could we possibly get in trouble with the police again? Sometimes being in Vegas doesn’t make you quite the most intellectual-college-educated-person you may be, so your attention span may not be at its highest. My friend somehow swapped her license and credit card with someone else at the bar. Later on that evening, she obviously wasn’t paying attention and tried to use the I.D. and the credit card elsewhere. What a coincidence it was to think that the credit card was the exact same one she had just with a different name. A near-by cop was called. He thought we had stolen the credit card and the I.D.

Even throughout all the different mishaps, I might say we still had a great time. What happened in Vegas didn’t necessarily stay there because we came back with hangovers, a ticket, and almost a police record.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Walking in Different Shoes

Have all good men fell off the face of the earth? Ladies, doesn’t it feel like that at times? Why is it that single women continuously go on dates and never have any type of success? Hmmmm. Well, the thing is men don’t quite get the point anymore. But when have they got the point? Presumably a sketchy thought.

Dating is comparable to picking out the perfect pair of heels. Depending on your preference, you either like bulky heels, sexy stilettos, one-inch heels, tall, short, skinny, by now you should know where I am going with this. Heels also come in different designs, colors, and material. Now if we think about it, aren’t men the same exact way? Finding the perfect fit, style, look, and comfort could never be anymore difficult when it comes to finding the perfect shoe and finding the perfect man.

Hopefully the shoe example isn’t discouraging more and more women in the dating field because we all know how difficult it is to find a good looking, fairly priced but not cheap looking shoe. Same goes for men, unfortunately.

A perfectly crafted Italian imported shoe is usually going to give you a run for your money, and is hard to get. Doesn’t it feel the same way with men? We expect to have something like a Jimmy Choo shoe, but end up getting something from pay-less. How disgusting is that? NEVER!

Quite a funny thought, but realistically finding something that fits is never a promising thought. And then what about the men that have baggage? Like the shoes that have too much going on. We think to ourselves, “the shoe could have been nice if it didn’t have that, or if it was in a different color.” How hilarious is that? Only because it is completely true. Women pick at men as if they had accessories. But damn it! We have the right to. It’s such a tragedy when a good-looking man doesn’t have a job and has five kids. What in the world is that about? Or the one who also looks good, but is married to the ugly girl in which of course you look way better than her and that house, car, and diamond should belong to you.

What about the men who don’t have anything to offer, but are utterly without a doubt completely consistent in pursuing you? In this case he may be a good fit that comes from Ross, but may still have a little designer in him, possibly something like a Steve Madden pump. Steve Madden is the epitome of knock off designer shoes, but in a way can still look good if you teach it how to dress up.

It’s funny to think that men can easily be compared to women’s fashion. There’s so many different types of shoes and they are easily comparable to the many personalities men carry. In the dating world its all about fun. Picking and choosing the right style and fit will always be a challenge, but everyone has a different perspective upon what kind of fashion they wish to achieve.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Students Round-up for Rally

Sacramento, Calif., USA – The increase in fees and furloughs at Sacramento State University brought together students, family, and faculty at a noontime rally Wednesday at Sacramento State University to fight back on the unfair cut backs.

Not only was the heat blistering down on the quad at CSU, but it was blistering among the students, family, and faculty that were present in the rally. Increasing the fees at a total of 32 percent has the characteristics to make anyone hot.

“Si se puede,”(yes we can) was chanted at the rally loud and proud. Students and faculty insisted that students go to the President of Sacramento State, Alexander Gonzalez, and do as little as complain in order to be heard. If students don’t take any action whatsoever, it seems as if they don’t care that their education is at stake because they can no longer afford it.

There was a number of faculty and students walking around the rally handing out President Gonzalez’s contact information. Having the information handy might have prompted students a little more to make their voice be heard. There is no reason to sit there and just take the fee increase and the classroom cut backs.

Does it make any sense that we as students are paying 32 percent more in fees, but are receiving less education? How in the world does that even add up? Our Professors are making 10 percent less and taking furlough days to satisfy the cut back.

Aren’t the students supposed to be the future of this nation? How can we expect to get our full-on education when we can barely afford it, and can’t be at school because of these so-called furloughs? The student’s library and classroom time has been cut back and the people in charge seem to not care. GREEDINESS! That’s exactly what it is. There is no compassion.

Even before the rally took place, all students would hear about is the cut backs, fee increase, and furlough days in the classrooms. It is unfair that many students couldn’t even get their classes because they weren’t available, or they had to get rid of them because there wasn’t enough funding. How is there not enough funding when each and every student attending Sacramento State is paying 32 percent more in fees? Makes us wonder, doesn’t it?

The rally was one of the first many attempts that students and faculty will make in order to bring things back into a fair trade. There is no reason for students to have to conquer their education both intellectually and financially. Why do students need anymore stress as it is? It seems as if people who have the upper hand don’t really care enough, and we as students have to form rally’s just to be heard.

The injustice needs to stop now! Students will continue fighting because there is supposed to be another 20 percent increase if we don’t put a stop to it.
“When they say cut back, we say FIGHT BACK!”